Tag: SQL Server

  • SQL Server Management Studio: Recover Lost Files

    Nooooooooo!  Power outage+unsaved files SQL Server Management Studio files=Panic!!!  Wait a sec.  Don’t panic.  Every modern application, especially Microsoft apps, prompts you after a crash and asks you if you want to recover your lost files right?  Right!?!  Somehow, SSMS does NOT include this feature.  Why?  No idea.  Blame Management Studio’s stability.  It rarely shutsdown […]

  • Create A List In Your SSRS Tooltip: Not Impossible!

    Warning!  This post is barely finished.  I putting it up as a reminder to myself that I had a hard time finding a post explaining how to do it and I should write a post on it. “It’s impossible” they said.  “It can’t be done!” they claimed.  “You’re mad (but still surprisingly handsome!)” the women […]

  • Compare a Row to the MAX of Multiple Columns and Multiple Rows: The Easy Way

    Alright.  MAX on rows *and* columns.  This was a bit of a mind bender.  A fellow SQL Server Developer was wondering if it was possible to find the MAX and MIN values of multiple rows and columns and then compare it to a value on a single row.  Of course this could be done by […]

  • Use F5 To Execute A Query In Visual Studio

    If you’re coming to Visual Studio 2010 from SQL Server Management Studio you’re probably getting annoyed by the fact that pressing the F5 does not execute your SQL when using the T-SQL Editor window. Do not fear! Like the $6 Million Dollar Man, “we have the technology… Better… Stronger… Faster.” Instead of the three buttons […]

  • SSIS: No column information was returned by the SQL command

    Are you trying to use a stored procedure as the source of a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) data flow task?  If your stored procedure contains a temp table you may run into the message “No column information was returned by the SQL command” (complete error message below).  Although there are a number of solutions […]

  • Clearing the SQL Server Analysis Services Cache

    Preparing to do some MDX performance testing?  Step one for each and every test should be to clear the cache.  This will ensure you are seeing the performance results without the benefit of having data already loaded up in memory.  How do you empty the MS SQL Analysis Services cache prior to running your query?

  • Execute Stored Procedure From Excel With Temp Table

    Do you want to execute a stored procedure from Excel?  No problem!  Does your proc contain a temp table? Problem!  Actually, don’t panic.  The fix is incredibly simple.  Tracking down this post was probably the most difficult part.  When executing a SQL Server proc with a temp table you must remember to “SET NOCOUNT ON” […]

  • SQL Server Partition Lock Escalation Property Query

    Whenever I want to check a setting in SQL Server I always prefer to find it using a query.  Every once in awhile these settings turn out to be on the verge of being undocumented.  This is the case with table level lock escalation (also known as partition level lock escalation).  The T-SQL query below […]

  • Find User’s Default Schema

    Need to find the default schema for a user in MS SQL?  Need to confirm all your SQL Server users default schema’s are set correctly?  Easy peasey.  Run the following query and enjoy.

  • Find Tables Without Clustered Indexes

    Need a way to find all tables without a clustered index in SQL Server? Running this script every once in awhile will help ensure best practices are being followed and every table has a clustered index. This script is compatible with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008.