Easy SQL Server Snapshot Script / Proc
Man!!!! Why is the code to create a database snapshot so ridiculously complicated? Actually, I guess I understand why but how about allowing it to be done through SSMS and then setting a bunch of the parameters as defaults for us? Come on Microsoft! Help a SQL brother out! Well luckily, where Microsoft fails, I’m…
SQL Server T-SQL To GreenPlum PostgreSQL Syntax Cheat Sheet
Here’s a quick translation from SQL Server’s T-SQL to Pivotal’s MPP GreenPlum PostgreSQL for some of the most commonly used syntax (i.e. here’s the stuff I’ve tripped over while moving from SQL to GreenPlum/Postgres) . SQL Server – TOP SELECT TOP 100 * FROM MyTable Corresponding PostgreSQL – LIMIT SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT…
SSDT – Pre and Post Deploy Script Markers And Flava Flav
I admit, this post is primarily to provide a place for me to copy and paste my own code, but it’s so sweet I figured some of you other SQL Server Data Tool Users might find it handy. When troubleshooting the generated deployment scripts I’ve always added a PRINT statement to indicate the beginning and…
SSDT – The object reference differs only by case from the object definition warning
Well here’s a Visual Studio SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) warning I haven’t come across before. I suspect the problem occurs only when performing a join to an external database reference dacpac. Luckily, the fix is simple (although a bit time consuming if you have very many of these warnings). First, the warning message will…
SSDT VS 2012 – Bringing an existing database under source control
Alright! You are the hero of your database team! You’ve received the okay to start using SQL Server Data Tools to manage one of your existing databases. You think to yourself: “Within a few minutes I’ll have the project up and running and I can move on to phase 2 of my plan to save…
SSRS Subscription Error: Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. Mail will not be resent.
So, when a SQL Server Reporting Services subscription gives you an error message like: “Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. Mail will not be resent.” You know exactly what to do to fix it right? Just fix the so called “configuration error”. Problem solved! Another day another dollar. Am I…
Change The Owner Of An SSRS Subscription: The Simple Way
So you need to change the owner of an SQL Server Reporting Services subscription? No problema. (Why would you need to change it you might ask? Perhaps because you have deactivated the user account that created the subscription and now “strange things are afoot at the Circle K”, and if you know that reference please…
SQL Query To Find Expired Accounts In Active Directory: Knowledge Is Power And The Goodbye List
Alrighty. We’re all data people here so you know we all agree that knowledge is power. One thing that is absolutely helpful in a large corporate environment is knowing if someone has been let go/laid off/fired. Using linked server to query active directory you can fairly easily (especially if someone else wrote the query) see…
SQL Job Steps And Run_Duration: The query that formats run_duration correctly and doesn’t make you want to shoot your eye out
Ever tried to figure out how long a step for a particular SQL Server job takes? You can of course get it from the Management Studio, but we’re database people! We want to see the trend over time not just a point in time! We want to write queries! Hooray for data! You do a…
SQL Server Impact Analysis Query
Ugh. Impact analysis is one my least favorite tasks. And despite the fact it’s gotten easier over the years with the addition of being able to check object dependencies natively within SQL Server Management Studio, I still find myself resorting to wildcard searches of object definitions for various reasons. (For example: dependencies on objects accessed…