Parse pg_dump Functions and Views Into Their Own Files (GreenPlum / Postgres)
Here’s what we wanted: Each function from our GreenPlum (aka Postgres) database scripted out into it’s own file. I think after much hacking I’ve got something working that only requires a small amount of manual intervention. For whatever reason PostgreSQL/GreenPlum doesn’t seem to have a native way to split objects into separate files. This functionality is […]
Cygwin and Git – Tired of typing your password? Cache it!
I’m a git and cygwin noob. Despite that I like using the command line. It’s a bit of mental gymnastics and keeps the mundane from getting mundane. One thing that irritated me though was having to constantly retype my password when pushing or pulling from remote. Through dumb luck I stumbled across the secret config […]
Finding all the checkins in a git branch (aka finding all the files with a commit)
Identifying files which have changed between two branches in git using the cygwin command line. (Note: I assume this works for any command line git tool). 1. If the files were checked in using windows there may be issues with line endings. To make your git command line ignore line ending differences in files perform […]